Hello, my name is Zix Chen

I am a multi-media artist who is interested in immersive art that involves multiple sensory inputs to create compelling experiences. I am currently a student at Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. Here is what I have made so far!

XuanWu the Creature

A mechanical, sound-engineered creature with a heartbeat, made with Arduino and Teensy components, and metalwork.

    Imagined Sewer World

    A sound piece that illustrates an imagined underground world of sewege, like the one found in TMNT

      Immersive Window To A Dream V2

      A sculptural projection that mimics a window by detecting the viewer position and showing the correct perspective

        Sanxingdui Guardian

        A whimsical Arduino project who guards a pearl

          Eve the Rat

          A fuzzy French-speaking animatronic friend.


            (Love of large objects) Plays with scale by manipulating filming angles and utilizing specific filming techniques

              A Dream Made For Tiktok

              A dream-like experience, in the medium of an obscure TikTok Art Video

                An Imagined Rusty Dream

                A VR experience that takes the viewer through a dream landscape, while listening to a monologue that talks about the philosophical concept of Qualia

                  Assassins Barcart

                  A barcart made for hypothetical assassination purposes; inspired by The Gates Of Hell by Auguste Rodin. Designed with a maximalist mindset, seeking to revert minimalism. Incorporated Gothic architectural elements.

                    Childhood Collage

                    A collage that seeks to capture the essence of my childhood experiences that contains what continues to inspire me in art-making

                      Kinetic Type

                      An interpretation of Coyote Sees Himself In Water, a poem by Tacey M. Atsitty


                        3D model of a character concept of a robot cat

                        Thumbnails Of Imagined Dreams

                        Attempts to capture the multitude of dream experiences. As a Congressional Art Award Winning piece, it was temporarily displayed in the White House in Washington DC.

                          Still Hear Seagulls

                          Explores the effect of the simultaneity and juxtaposition of image and sound, and how they change the perception of one and another

                            Magic Lense

                            Explores the automatic narrative effect of placing a certain visual filter over a piece of media

                              Light Object For Desktop

                              Designed with the concept of containing and distributing light in a highly controlled manner.

                                Laboring Coathook

                                Stylized representation of “hand” in a flexed gesture of servitude alludes to the physical “labor” placed on the coathook in daily use.

                                  Frankenstein TV Monster

                                  Appears to have a Frankenstein-like consciousness, created through the juxtaposition of three pieces of media with individual contexts and stylizations.


                                    A sculptural exploration of the material quality of concrete, metal and their atmosphere and energy.

                                      GTA Style Self Portrait

                                        Graffiti Wukong

                                        My take on the famous character of Chinese lore.

                                          Graffiti Glowing Monkeys

                                          Made through Virtual Reality spray painting.

                                            Drawing Of An Imagined Janitor

                                            Drawing of an imagined personhood, life and scenery.

                                              Graffiti Yeti

                                              A creature who embodies the idea of audacious subversion.

                                                Anatomy Exercise

                                                  Analog Environment Creator

                                                  The first iteration in a series of future work that would result in a mini-version of the Las Vegas Sphere, recreating VR technology while giving back the viewers their bodies.

                                                    Web Development Works


                                                    Registered users can create, delete and edit events for specfic dates and times


                                                      Chat Room

                                                      Registered users can chat in the main lobby and private chat rooms with optional passwords and banned words


                                                        News Sharing Site

                                                        Registered users can submit and comment on news stories; all users can read new stories and comments


                                                          Craigslist Redesign

                                                          A design demo of a re-imagined Craigslist website, making it more user-friendly but still retaining a sense of the original website


                                                            Suggestions For You

                                                            Utilizing the Bored API, this website suggests activites to users based on custom preferences. The API no longer works, therefore only a video can be showcased.


                                                              Contact Me